Categories: News

WEEKLY NEWS – October 20, 2022

Good morning!
Aren’t the leaves absolutely lovely this year?   It may well be the prettiest fall season we’ve had in several years.  I hope you can take time to enjoy a ride—or a long walk in the woods–to see the beauty all around us right now.  As you do, breath in the beauty and exhale gratitude!

It just so happens that Kenny and Michelle Schramko are planning to take the church van to Wellsboro—home of the Little Grand Canyon on Saturday, October 22.  They plan to leave from the parking lot behind the Grace Growth Center at 8 a.m. for the all-day trip.   If you would like to join them, please call Kenny at 724-584-6920.  Meals are Dutch treat!

Our new sermon series, The Always God, continues this Sunday with Pastor Bill’s message The Cheerful Farmer.  The scripture reference is 2 Corinthians 9:3-10.  The orchestra will be performing at the 9 a.m. Traditional Service.

We would like to challenge you to memorize our Mission Statement.  (It is prominently displayed in the Welcome Center.)   It reads:
Together we…  engage in our faith community to walk with God
empower one another’s gifts in ministry
expand God’s Kingdom through acts of love
October 23rd is Stewardship Sunday.  You should have received a letter with a pledge card in the mail this week.  Please prayerfully consider what you would like to pledge to Grace Church for 2023.  As you leave the sanctuary following worship, we ask that you place your pledge card in one of the offering boxes found at each exit.   These locked boxes ensure total privacy and the pledges will be seen only by the Financial Secretary for budget planning purposes.   (Should you happen to forget your pledge card, the ushers will have extras.)  You may have noticed that the card which was mailed has the wrong year listed.   This was a simple typo!   We are only requesting a pledge for 2023.   We also would encourage you to remember Missions Fund and Food Bank as well as our regular budget so that we can continue the great work these teams do. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Grace Church ministries and our mission to  engage . empower . expand

ALL SAINT SUNDAY will be observed on October 30th.   If you lost a loved one during the past year and would like to recognize them, please add their name to the list in the Welcome enter, call the church office at 724-463-8535 or email

The holidays can be quite difficult when you are grieving the death of a loved one.  Join us at 1 p.m. on November 6 in Fellowship Hall for an event that will provide helpful tips, practical holiday coping strategies, and hope for righter days ahead.  We will e sharing a light lunch.  The registration fee is $10 and will be collected at the door.  So that we may be adequately prepared, please sign up in the Welcome Center or call the church office to register.

There will be a Thanksgiving Eve Service in Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, November 23 at 7 p.m.  Please mark you calendars now to attend this special service.

Donna Overdorff is leading the volunteers who will decorate the float for the It’s a Wonderful Life parade on November 18.  Our float theme is Let His Word Unwrap the Magic of Christmas.  It will feature members of the Contemporary Worship Band performing on the float.  We need teens and children with adults to walk on either side of the float as walking Christmas presents!  So, save your big boxes—and we will, too!  Then bring your box, wrapping paper and decorating supplies to the Parlor on November 17 from 6 – 7 p.m.   There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize winners awarded at the beginning of the Friday Night Parade!

Following the parade, our Outreach Team will host parade goers and participants in our Courtyard where there will be hot chocolate, candy canes, snacks and a photo booth.  The Welcome Center will be open as a warming station.  Plan to join this fun event!

Make a reservation for the Wednesday night dinner on October 26!   Cost is $6.00
Maple Bourbon Kielbasa, Cabbage & Noodles, Vegetable and Dessert
You can sign up in the Welcome Center,  call the church office, or email

Lovingly used United Methodist Hymnals are available to you at no cost.  They may be picked up from the table just outside the Room 203 (the choir room) on the second floor.

A recent seminary graduate thought that before he took on a congregation, he needed more experience about why people are fearful and tempted in certain circumstances.  He decided that the best way to do this would be to enroll in the police academy.  One of the questions on his certification exam was:  “In an emergency, how would you quickly and wisely disperse a frantic crowd?”
His answer:  “Pass an offering plate!”